Friday, February 13, 2009

this is why I love NPR

I currently subscribe to nine NPR podcasts. This is actually a pared down selection for me, as I had to curtail my podcast list, due to the fact that my inability to listen to actual music was being hindered by my ever-replenishing slate of online radio content. Therefore shows like All Songs Considered, It's All Politics, NPR: Movies, & Talk of the Nation, got the boot b/c they were A) too similar to another podcast I enjoyed, B) not in season (I'm only deeply interested in politics in an election year so sue me), C)featuring too many stories I was hearing on other shows, or D) just ran too long. (I subscribe to longer shows, but they tend to be weekly shows). My listening list is creeping back to the 30 mark, and I fear another subscription trim may be imminent.

Fresh Air I consider to be the crown jewel of the nine NPR shows I enjoy. I just finished listening to yesterdays' show, and discovered something fantastic.

Joss Whedon, the brilliant mind behind one of my favorite TV shoes of all time, is ginormous fan of Stephen Sondheim. Not only is he a fan, but they've met, and have dialogue as artists.

Yes the guy responsible for this:

Is a fan of the guy who wrote the words for this:

Whedon's new show Dollhouse premiere's tonight on Fox, and the buzz on it is not great, but I'm sure that he's got a million even great ideas still germinating inside.

EDIT: Just read a great interview w/ Whedon about this show. I guess I can't make fun of my friends who still read Maxim (you know who you are). The bit about how DC comic book heroes make for bad movies it interesting, and his admission that he is ,in fact, JJ Abrams is hilarious.

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